One hour private sessions with both Heather Purple and Kent Petersen are $180 on Sale for $100!
We communicate in whatever way works best for you. We can communicate by email, text, video chat, facebook, or in person in our calm home studio in West Hollywood near La Brea and Melrose.
We help empower you to be a more confident and optimal you. This personal evaluation is to help you understand your body better as well as create a deeper sense of self.
Our private consultations includes going over which yoga poses are best for you and which ones you can learn to do on your own as well as many other modalities and different approaches including, diets, nutrition, energy release, yoga, meditation, expanding awareness and more. Which ever resonates with you. We will discover this during the session. We will help you understand what we teach you in a way you can use what you learn on your own.
Please send us an email stating your current health level and concerns if you have them. Please feel free to include a short description of yourself and any unconventional topics in your introductory email.
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